The Lawn Turf Farm is recognised as one of the leading lawn turf growers in the industry. We are committed to delivering high quality instant lawn turf for all our customers. We believe no job is too big or too small. Be it a small residential yard or a large commercial requirement, we handle it all diligently. We take pride in having a team of experts that attend to the lawnturf’s specific needs in order to achieve optimal growth and the desired aesthetic look.
Lawnturf has recently become the popular alternative for seeding over the last number of years for many reasons. The ability to provide an instant new lawn and the lack of work required by the customer is the main driver behind this development. The customer is required only to attend to the grass with water over the immediate two weeks after laying compared to the drawn out care process with seed. It is also a product that can be laid year round compared to seed which generally is only safe to be seeded in April or August otherwise you are at risk of losing some of your grass to sub-optimal growth conditions. Another key reason is the certainty of even establishment of the grass which allows you the desired aesthetic for your lawn, alongside the guarantee that weeds will not be able to compete with your lawn for growth during the lawn development period.
Our professional mix of seed combines decorative grass seed with grass seed that excels in tilling to ensure that your lawn has a dense lush green coverage of grass that is both decorative and hardwearing that makes it suitable for all family activities. The turf also includes an inch of topsoil underneath that provides the client with soil that naturally has the best properties for lawn growth along with being treated with the highest standard of fertilizer.
We sell lawnturf by the square yard. If you are unsure of how much you need or how to measure it, please refer to the How To Guides section of the website.
So, if you are looking for Turf suppliers, look no further than Lawn Turf Farm. Get in touch with the leaders in the industry to get the best instant lawn. For a free quote, friendly service, and advice just give us a call!
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