When it comes to lawn care, choosing the right... Full Story
July 9, 2019
Finding a grass seed to plant as your lawn may seem bit complicated. These days you will not only find several species of grass seed to choose from but there are lot’s of varieties within a species which turf experts are always planning to improve. The experts at The Lawn Turf Farm can help you examine the current conditions of the property and introduce new seed varieties to the farm. Bringing you the best quality of lawn seed in Ireland and necessary advice to landowners and homeowners, Lawn Turf Farm redefines lawn care and lawn service.
Basically, there are two major types of grass seed including cool season grass and warm season grass. The cool season grass grows well during the fall and winter, when temperature remains within 65 to 75 degrees. While the warm season grasses mostly grow during the spring and the summer when temperature remains extremely high as 90 degrees.
How well your grass tends to grow solely depends upon where exactly you live. If the summers are mild and the winters are long, then you would obviously look for planting a cool season grass. However if you have mild winters, you would obviously wish to plant a warm season grass.
Once you have made your mind about whether you would be planting a cool season or warm season grass, it is important to inspect the area where you are going to plant. First of all try to look at the soil. Find out whether it is sandy or loose or clay like? The amount of sunlight is also an important factor that needs to be taken into consideration. If you wish to plant a lawn grass seed in a very shady area, it is important to pick the grass seed that is able to tolerate the shade. Next thing that needs to be taken into consideration is the average amount of rainfall, being received in your area. You would not be able to maintain a lawn with high water dependence in a dry area. You need to look at the grass seeds which have greater drought tolerance. Some shade tolerant grass includes fine fescues, zoysia grass, Tall fescue etc. While the drought tolerant grass includes fine fescues, Bermuda grass, Buffalo grass seed etc.
Are you planning to use your lawn for games like basketball or willing to make your lawn be a landscaping feature to please your eyes? Certain grasses are able to tolerate more traffic than others. A lawn that isn’t walked constantly will obviously be on lower maintenance. Invest in a lawn that demands little care and can sustain all sorts of activities happening on it.
So, remember, your lawn care with a dedicated maintenance program from The Lawn Turf will help keep your lawn healthy, adding a value to your property. Try out their lawn grass seed in Ireland service and make you lawn the envy of all.
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